AXA insurance included in your

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Quick and easy booking

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Multi-risk insurance

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+30,000 cars

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Rental conditions


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Our documents

Below you will find insurance information sheets, assistance agreements and a sample certificate. The insurance certificate presented here is a sample. It is necessary to keep the AXA insurance certificate attached to the rental contract during the rental period (to be printed with the classic paper rental contract or in PDF format with the mobile contract).

See all documents

Frequently asked questions

The price depends on the car model mainly, and every price you see is set per day and includes insurance, service fees and the CAR4U commission. Our commission is only 20%, the lowest in the market.

The rental is paid in full by any credit card or debit card. Our payment system is 100% secure and protected by a 3D Secure validation. Only Visa and MasterCard cards are accepted..

When you book your car you have 100km/day included in the rental price. If you go on a trip for example or if you know that you will need more kilometers over the total rental period, you can buy an additional package.

If it is a case of force majeure, our customer service asks the owner to shorten the rental period, and you receive a refund. We then try to rent the car as soon as possible and to make up for the shortfall.

It is possible for the owner and the renter to cancel a reservation as long as the contract has not started. To do so, you must go to the page " My rentals " and access the concerned rental, then cancel it.

If you have any problem, CAR4U provides a support team to assist the car owner or renter. You can contact us via (phone - email - ticket system on the website).

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