AXA is your insurance partner

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Quick and easy booking

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Multi-risk insurance

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+30,000 cars

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et massa mi. Aliquam in hendrerit

Conditions for taking out the insurance

Be the owner of the vehicle or have the authorization of the owner to rent it

Be the owner of the vehicle or have the authorization of the owner to rent it

Be the owner of the vehicle or have the authorization of the owner to rent it

Rental conditions for renters

Be the owner of the vehicle or have the authorization of the owner to rent it

Be the owner of the vehicle or have the authorization of the owner to rent it

Be the owner of the vehicle or have the authorization of the owner to rent it

Our documents

Below you will find insurance information sheets, assistance agreements and a sample certificate. The insurance certificate presented here is a sample. It is necessary to keep the AXA insurance certificate attached to the rental contract during the rental period (to be printed with the classic paper rental contract or in PDF format with the mobile contract).

See all documents

Frequently asked questions

Renting your car can help you earn a substantial passive income. It can also help you finance your car costs (insurance, parking, gas, maintenance or license fees) if rented very casually.

The process is 100% safe. All rentals on CAR4U are insured by us to protect them from any theft or accident. Not any tenant is also accepted and our screening classifies tenants very carefully.

Some of our members earn up to 10,000 EGP per month! It all depends on the model of your vehicle, its age and the number of days it is available in a month. You can go to our Earning Calculator to see how much you can earn for 15 days of rental per month.

You can offer your vehicle for rent as long as it meets the required conditions. It definitely should be initially registered in your name in Egypt. You can view all of the details here.

For small damages (< 3500 EGP) found during the inventory of fixtures, a specialist evaluates the amount of damages and the cost will be added to the total rental cost. Rest assured!

In case of any problem, CAR4U provides a support team to assist the car owner or renter. You can contact us via (phone - email - ticket system on the website).

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